kuxuncn 淮南牛肉汤英文版介绍?
作者:本站作者 人气:大家好,关于kuxun.cn很多朋友都还不太明白,今天小编就来为大家分享关于淮南牛肉汤英文版介绍?的知识,希望对各位有所帮助!
Huainan beef soup, one of the representatives of Anhui cuisine, is a well-known snack in Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong, Anhui and Shanghai.
There are two theories about the origin of Huainan beef soup: Zhao Kuangyin in the Song Dynasty and Liu'an, the king of Huainan.
In the Western Han Dynasty, "Huainan Zi · Qi Kuxun" records: "Today, cattle are slaughtered and cooked for their meat, either because it is sour or sweet, and they are tormented and scorched.
During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty (1736-1796), Zhang Zheng, a master of Hanlin and a native of Huainan, deeply studied herbs and was good at food. After returning home, he passed on the secret recipe of the Qing Palace to future generations.
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